What Size Dirt Bike Do You Need for Your Height & Age

what size dirt bike do i need

You should know the ideal dirt bike size for your height. You’re in the right place if you’re just starting out or returning to dirt biking.

In this article, I’ll explain the various dirt bike sizes, how to choose one based on your height and level of experience, and some height sizing charts for quick reference.

Why You Need to Choose the Right Dirt Bike

I want you to pick the right bike so that you can enjoy riding without colliding with it and getting hurt, which is a common rookie mistake!

How Tall Are Dirt Bikes?

These are the typical seat heights of the most popular dirt bikes for quick reference. Observe how the height isn’t always determined by the engine size.

Dirt Bike SizeAverage Seat Height
50cc21.5″ (55cm)
125cc 4 stroke30.0″(76cm)
125cc 2 stroke38.0″(96.5cm)
250cc trail bike35.0″(89cm)
250cc enduro/MX bike37.5″(95cm)

How tall each dirt bike size is on average (chart)

Why Are Some Dirt Bikes So Tall?

Adults who are short, like me, may be annoyed by the height of enduro and motocross dirt bikes because they can’t allow them to touch the ground with their feet. This is a bigger or smaller problem than you might imagine.

The long-travel suspension on enduro and MX bikes provides the best comfort and performance for absorbing bumps and obstacles, which is why these bikes have high seat heights. The bottom of the frame will easily hit or catch on the ground if the suspension travel is kept long but the bike is lowered. This results in less ground clearance.

The Disadvantage of Lowering the Seat Height on a Dirt Bike

If you only lower the seat height, the seat will be too close to the foot pegs and the cockpit will feel small and claustrophobic, especially if you have long legs (long inseam).

Additionally, when you come to a stop, you only need to be able to plant one foot on the ground. You need to work on your balance skills if you’re using two feet on the ground because that indicates poor technique.

What Size Dirt Bike Should I Get for My Height?

what size dirt bike do i need

You can use the straightforward chart below as a starting point to determine the appropriate size (seat height) of a dirt bike based on your height or age. Use it only as a guide when deciding which dirt bike to buy.

Dirt Bike Size Chart (Seat Height):

Age/HeightSeat Height
3-6 years old18-21 inch (45-53cm)
6-8 years old21-24 inch (53-61cm)
9-10 years old24-27 inch (61-68.5cm)
4’10”-5’0″ (147-152cm)27-30 inch (68.5-76cm)
5’0″-5’2″ (152-157.5cm)29-31 inch (73.5-79cm)
5’2″-5’4″ (157.5-162.5cm)30-33 inch (76-84cm)
5’4″-5’6″ (162.5-168cm)33-35 inch (84-89cm)
5’6″-5’8″ (168-173cm)34-36 inch (86-91.5cm)
5’8″-5’11” (173-180cm)35-38 inch (89-96.5cm)
6’0″+ (183+cm)37+ inch (94+cm)

Dirt Bike Seat Height Size Chart

The 2 ways a “dirt bike size” is categorized

A dirt bike’s size can be established in two different ways. Which dirt bikes will fit you depends heavily on the dirt bike’s physical dimensions, or the seat height.

The other way to gauge a dirt bike’s size is by looking at its engine. The engine size is referred to as “CC”. A motorcycle or dirt bike CC is the engine displacement size calculated in “Cubic Centimeters”.

This is comparable to how car engines have previously been categorized, such as a Chevy 350ci V8 engine. The 350ci stands for “350 Cubic Inches” of engine size/displacement.

Despite exceptions, a dirt bike will typically have more power the higher the number. A 450cc dirt bike has a larger engine than a 125cc dirt bike, and it also has a lot more power.

Finding your ideal size when you first start riding is essential for finding the best beginner dirt bike, but it’s not the only factor you need to take into account.

There’s More To Consider Than Just “Size”

It’s true that you shouldn’t purchase a dirt bike that is too large for you, but you also need to consider other specifications besides the seat height and engine size.

The right kind of dirt bike should be chosen especially if you’re a beginner or just want to learn on the safest one possible.

Here are the top factors you need to consider in addition to size to find which dirt bike is right for you:

  • Seat height
  • Engine size
  • Type of engine (built for trail riding or racing)
  • Electric or kick-start
  • Reliability
  • Price

Dirt Bike Engine Sizes Based on Your Age

How do I know which engine size is best for me when there are so many variations? If you’re new to riding, it’s best to start on a dirt bike that has a less powerful engine.

The recommended dirt bike engine size is shown in the chart below, but keep in mind that this is only a general recommendation.

  • 3-6-year-old: 50cc
  • 6-8-year-old: 50-80cc
  • 8-10-year-old: 80-110cc
  • 10-12-year-old: 110-150cc
  • 12-14-year-old: 125-200cc
  • 15-18-year-old: 125-250cc
  • Adults: 125cc-500cc

It’s more than just your height that determines the right size

The inseam length is the only issue with simply comparing seat height to rider height. From your crotch to your foot is the length of your inseam. This graph is based on the typical inseam length for a given height.

You would probably fit better on a taller bike than what is suggested on the chart if you have longer than average inseam (long legs relative to your upper body length).

Small Size Dirt Bike For Kids

Kids can choose from a variety of dirt bikes. Kids as young as 3 and 4 years old and up to 12 years old can ride gas- and electric-powered dirt bikes. Which size is therefore best for your child?

Let’s first examine the ideal sizes for each age group before going over a chart of the sizes of all the top children’s dirt bikes.

For Kids Ages 3, 4, and 5 Years Old

I suggest the PW50, CRF50, and TTR50 for small children ages 3-5 if you’re looking for the highest caliber dirt bikes. They’re the best options for a “first dirt bike” because they’re 50cc (the smallest dirt bike size), they’re reliable and easy to ride.

Which 50cc is ideal for young children?

If you need the smallest dirt bike size with the lowest seat height, the Yamaha PW50 is your best option. Since it is a few inches lower than 50cc four-stroke dirt bikes, it is simpler to touch the ground and develop riding confidence.

The PW50 dirt bike has adjustable power, is dependable, and is very mellow despite being a 2-stroke machine.
Both the TTR50 and CRF50 are excellent motorcycles, but the TTR50E has an electric start button in case that is a deal-breaker and the CRF50 only has a kick start.

For 10 Year Old

Your 10-year-old child or grandchild is probably not ready to learn how to use a clutch if they are still learning how to ride a dirt bike. In that case, these are the best dirt bikes for your 10-year-old:

  • Kawasaki KLX110
  • Honda CRF110F
  • Yamaha TTR110E

For a 12-Year-Old

The next step up is a dirt bike with a clutch, which is typically a 125cc 4-stroke. The best dirt bikes for 12-year-old kids are:

  • Honda CRF125F/B
  • Yamaha TTR125LE
  • Kawasaki KLX140/L/G

Medium Size Dirt Bike for Teens & Short Adults

A dirt bike classified as medium-sized has wheels that are bigger and a higher seat than a kids’ dirt bike, but it lacks full-sized wheels and a seat that is as tall as a full-size dirt bike. Since it’s simpler to touch the ground with one foot when you’re a female or a teenager, they’re usually a great size dirt bike.

However, due to their low seat height, some full-size dirt bikes might be categorized as medium-sized. Shorter riders benefit greatly from dirt bikes with low seat heights and full-size wheels.

Medium Size Wheels

Most medium size dirt bikes have a 17/14 inch or 19/16 inch wheel and tire size. The diameter of the front wheel is always greater than that of the rear wheel, barring unusual circumstances.

Therefore, the majority of medium-sized dirt bikes have either 19-inch front wheels with 16-inch rear wheels or 17-inch front wheels with 14-inch rear wheels.

Greater ease in navigating obstacles is facilitated by larger wheels. On the downside, larger wheels typically result in a higher seat height.

Medium Size Seat Height

For dirt bikes, a medium size seat height ranges from 30 inches (76 cm) to 35 inches (89 cm).

Popular Medium Size Dirt Bikes and Their Seat Height:

  • TTR125 – 30.5″ (77.5cm)
  • KLX140L – 31.5″ (80cm)
  • CRF150F – 32.6″ (83cm)
  • KLX140G – 33.9″ (86cm)
  • CRF230F – 34.6″ (88cm)

Smaller men and adult women can still ride a full-size dirt bike, but it will require more balance skills. A dirt bike’s seat height can be lowered, though.

Full Dirt Bike Sizes for Adults & Big Riders

You should consider full-size dirt bikes if you’re an adult of average height (5’6″ and up), as they will fit you better and handle obstacles better. Larger wheels roll more easily over obstacles like rocks and logs because of their larger diameter.

Full-size dirt bikes have wheels that are 21 inches in the front and 18 inches in the rear (motocross bikes have 19 inches rear wheels).

Some “full size” dirt bikes may be considered “medium size” dirt bikes because the seat height is lower, even though they have 21/18″ wheel sizes. For instance, the seat height on a full-size CRF250F is 35 inches (89 cm).

The best beginner trail dirt bikes for adults are:

  • Kawasaki KLX140L
  • Honda CRF250F
  • Kawasaki KLX300R

The best enduro trail bikes for experienced adult riders are:

  • Beta 200RR
  • Yamaha YZ250FX
  • Honda CRF250RX
  • KTM 250 XCW
  • Husqvarna TE 300

Other popular full-size dirt bikes for experienced riders and their seat height:

  • Yamaha YZ125 – 39.3″ (100cm)
  • KTM 150XCW – 37.8″ (96cm)
  • Kawasaki KX250F – 37.0″ (94cm)
  • Honda CR250R – 37.8″ (96cm)
  • Husqvarna FC 350 – 37.4″ (95cm)
  • Yamaha YZ450F – 38.0″ (96.5cm)

Best size beginner dirt bike for taller riders (bigger guys)

Perhaps you need the tallest bike because you are 6’0″ or taller. If you’re just learning to ride, you shouldn’t just choose the biggest bike because it has more power than you require.
Or if you weigh more than 250 pounds, a little extra power can help you move along, but you don’t want too much.

These are the best beginner dirt bikes for taller & bigger riders:

  • TTR250
  • DRZ250
  • XR250
  • KLX300R
  • XR400
  • WR250F
what size dirt bike do i need

What Is the Right Dirt Bike Size for You Then?

The best clothing for each rider varies. If you have no prior riding experience, pick a bike with a seat height that is appropriate for your actual height and a moderately weak engine.

It’s important to pick a bike with smooth power that you can handle if you want to start riding on the easiest bike possible. This usually reduces the options to an air-cooled 4-stroke trail bike.

Dirt Bike Seat Heights From Shortest To Tallest:

Dirt BikeEngine SizeSeat HeightType of dirt bike
Yamaha PW5049cc18.7″Trail
Honda CRF50F49cc21.6″Trail
Kawasaki KLX110112cc26.8″Trail
Honda CRF110F109cc25.9″Trail
KTM 65 SX65cc29.5″MX
Yamaha TTR125124cc30.5″Trail
Honda CRF125FB125cc30.9″Trail
Kawasaki KLX140L144cc31.5″Trail
Honda CRF150F149cc32.5″Trail
Yamaha YZ8585cc33.1″MX
Kawasaki KLX140G144cc33.9″Trail
Honda CRF230F223cc34.6″Trail
Beta XTrainer293cc35.8″Enduro
Beta 200RR190cc36.6″Enduro
Honda CRF250X249cc37.7″Enduro
KTM 125SX125cc37.8″MX
Kawasaki KX250F249cc37.2″MX
Suzuki RMZ250249cc37.6″MX
Husqvarna TX300293cc37.4″Enduro
Yamaha YZ250FX249cc38.2″Enduro

Dirt Bike Sizes from shortest to tallest seat height

Choose The Type Of Dirt Bike First

As you can see, seat height is not always a good indicator of the size of the engine. You must first choose a specific type of dirt bike to ride.

This could be a dual sport bike, trail bike, enduro bike, or motocross bike. It all depends on the type of riding you enjoy doing the most.
For instance, you wouldn’t want to use an MX bike for casual trail riding on narrow trails.

A Seat Height Range

Choose from the range of seat heights that best suit your height once you’ve decided on the type of dirt bike you want. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be within 2 inches (5 cm).

Just keep in mind that riding will be simpler the lower the seat height. If this is your first dirt bike, this is especially true.

Now Choose The Best Dirt Bike To Fit Your Needs

Examine the features and specifications of each model after deciding on the type of dirt bike and the general size of the bike you require.

Are they simple to start? Is the power steady or jerky, and are they reliable? For the type of riding you’ll be doing, will the suspension be adequate? What is the price?

Prior to selecting a suitable dirt bike for you, you must consider all of these crucial elements.

You Can Always Upgrade Later…

With that said, it’s better to just pick one than to spend weeks or months trying to decide which is the “Perfect Dirt Bike” for you.

Adjust the Height of Your Dirt Bike

Sad to say, some dirt bike riders are unable to change the dirt bike’s height. If you belong to that group, now is the time to make all of your preparations. If you want to be more comfortable while riding your dirt bike, you must make some adjustments.

You can easily change the height of your dirt bike while performing this exercise. Here is how to go about changing the height of your dirt bike:

Lowering the Height

Your dirt bike’s seat height can be adjusted in the simplest way to reduce its height. You shouldn’t run into any issues because this is so easy to understand. In essence, it’s the best method for lowering the height of your bike.

Cutting some small pieces of foam from the seat of your dirt bike is the first step in lowering its height. While it won’t significantly affect comfort, removing a small portion of the seat’s foam will allow you to change the bike’s height to suit your needs.

To alter the bike’s height, you can replace the seat’s foam rather than simply cutting it off. By choosing this option, you can swap out the old, stiff foam for newer, softer foam, which will slightly lower the height of your dirt bike and increase your comfort while riding. The simplest method that will help you accomplish your goal quickly is to replace the foam.

Another method for lowering the height is to drill holes in the foamy seat of your bicycle. Simply drill a few tiny holes in the seat to allow it to literally sink each time you sit on it.

To your great delight, doing so will result in a noticeable difference in height and comfort. Basically, drilling holes in the seat is a good option because it produces immediate results.

The sag on your dirt bike’s lower suspension can also be adjusted to lower the height of the vehicle. If you do this, the bike’s height will be significantly lowered to fit your needs, especially when you’re riding. You can easily adjust the low seat height that results from setting the sag in relation to your height.

Raising the Height

You can adjust the height to make it higher or lower in the same way. Thus, if your dirt bike’s height is lower than you had anticipated, you can adjust it to your needs by raising it.

The use of harder seat foam in this situation will allow you to raise the height of your bike. You can raise your dirt bike using this option by adding at least 2 inches to the current height. To achieve that height that is appropriate for you, however, make sure the method is effective in your favor.

Your dirt bike can be raised in height by adjusting the sag setting. All you need to do is make a small adjustment to the rear suspension’s sag settings, and you’re good to go. Although it has a small negative impact on your bike’s steering, this technique is effective.

To improve your position while riding, use taller handlebars after you have finished replacing the foam seat with a raised one. Taller handlebars can significantly alter your dirt bike even though they don’t do much to increase its height.

what size dirt bike do i need

Final Thought

You can choose the best dirt bike for you or your children based on a variety of factors using the above guide. However, the size of the dirt bike—including its brand, height, and engine capacity—should be taken into account more than any other aspect in this regard.

In order to choose a dirt bike that best suits your needs, is sure to do your research.

Liliya He

Liliya He